Kanha National Park

Privacy Policy

We Don't Share Your Private Information

Hotel Kanha Resort respects the privacy of all our guests, and we are committed to protecting it. To best serve you throughout this website, you will be asked to provide a variety of information, such as name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, credit card information, etc. This information will allow us to provide a personalized experience for each visitor to our website.

This website does not collect, save or store any personal information from visitors that simply browse this website, unless you voluntarily and intentionally provide it to us. We do not collect personal information without your knowledge or consent. Any personal information that is requested on our website is necessary in order to perform a particular service, such as processing your reservation, enrolling you in Hotel Kanha Resort.

We request personal information from you in order to process online reservations. You must provide contact information (such as name, mailing address, telephone number and email address) as well as financial information (such as credit card number and expiration date, etc.) in order for us to process your reservation. This information is used for billing purposes and to reserve a room. If there is a problem with a reservation, the information provided will also allow us to contact you.